
诺瑟姆州长和弗吉尼亚生物技术协会今天宣布,GO弗吉尼亚已经批准了一项竞争性拨款申请,以帮助资助弗吉尼亚生物连接, a $3.2 million Statewide industry cluster scale up initiative. The project, directed by the Virginia Biotechnology Association, 多区域合作是否旨在提高现有项目的连通性和知名度, resources, 以及支持生命科学产业的英联邦社区.

弗吉尼亚生物连接将成为生命科学界在全州范围内寻找相关资源的中心枢纽, including commercialization and entrepreneurship programs, funding mechanisms, accelerators, job boards, internship programs, and core research equipment facilities. The program will provide the pathway for businesses to find the support, expertise, 以及弗吉尼亚联邦发展和繁荣所需的劳动力.

这项工作利用了CvilleBioHub在区域生态系统建设方面的经验, funded in part by GO Virginia, 通知里士满另外四个生物中心的进一步发展, Northern Virginia, Coastal Virginia, and the Roanoke/Blacksburg/Lynchburg regions. Co-directors who have expertise in economic development, commercialization, life sciences, and workforce development will lead the BioHubs. Each brings deep life science networks to foster new connections.

John Newby, Virginia Bio’s Chief Executive Officer and the designated lead of the new consortium, explained that the biotechnology industry, beyond its work to stimulate innovation and improve health, has an $8 billion economic impact in Virginia. “我们组建了一支非凡的团队,他们都对合作充满热情, 弗吉尼亚州的生命科学经济将在这笔拨款下大幅增长.”

CvilleBioHub Executive Director Nikki Hastings said, “CvilleBioHub, a private industry-led non-profit in Charlottesville, 区域生物技术产业集群发展是否已确立并示范成功. We are excited to expand this concept across Virginia, strengthening the overall network and impact for the state’s bioeconomy.”

The five regional BioHubs and co-leading entities are:

  • 夏洛茨维尔/阿尔伯马尔:CvilleBioHub和弗吉尼亚大学许可和风险投资集团
  • 弗吉尼亚海岸:弗吉尼亚海滩经济发展市和东弗吉尼亚医学院
  • 北弗吉尼亚:mg冰球突破豪华版试玩网站经济发展部和mg冰球突破豪华版试玩网站
  • Richmond: Activation Capital and VCU Innovation Gateway
  • 罗阿诺克/布莱克斯堡/林奇堡:弗吉尼亚理工大学弗拉林生物医学研究所和卡里隆诊所

“这对弗吉尼亚州的生命科学界和更大的生物健康首都地区来说是一个巨大的胜利, 由弗吉尼亚州、邻近的马里兰州和哥伦比亚特区的生命科学领袖组成,” said Alan Connor, CEO of Cadence, Inc.and Chairman of the Virginia Bio Board of Directors. “The $3.200万美元为期两年的项目是联邦最大的单笔投资,旨在加强弗吉尼亚州的全州生物技术产业集群. 上述所代表的广泛联盟证明了这种支持的必要性, 以及参与地区和行业龙头辉瑞公司的直接资金支持, BIO and PhRMA.”

Wilson Flohr, CEO of GROW Capital Jobs Foundation Region Four, the local GO Virginia region noted, “弗吉尼亚生物连接项目通过提供对弗吉尼亚联邦经济发展战略的增长和多样化至关重要的重大经济影响和高薪工作机会,支持了GO弗吉尼亚计划的优先事项和目标. This is a significant statewide effort, and we applaud the leadership of the GO Virginia Region Four Council, 以及其他四个合作支持这个项目的议会.”

During the two year grant period, Virginia Bio-Connect将创建一个劳动力发展计划,将联邦的研究生和本科生与弗吉尼亚州的生命科学和生物技术公司联系起来. 这将包括协调一项针对特定行业的实习计划,该计划将从全州的社区学院和大学招收100名学生.

Amy Adams, mg冰球突破豪华版试玩网站生物健康创新研究所执行主任分享道, “位于英联邦各地的学生将有独特的机会成为全州队列的一部分,并与弗吉尼亚州的生命科学行业专业人士建立有意义的联系. It’s a win-win for both our students who will gain practical skills, 使他们在就业市场和寻找人才的公司中更具竞争力, diverse workforce pipeline.”

该计划还将启动一个虚拟企业家驻场网络(VERN)。. 将聘请四名新的常驻企业家,他们具有特定行业的专业知识和相关的专业网络,以支持已建立的早期到种子期公司的发展.

mg冰球突破豪华版试玩网站科学业务发展经理Deborah Roder补充道: “Virginia Bio-Connect为生命科学初创公司提供所需的资源,帮助他们驾驭行业特定的复杂监管体系, find their highly skilled workforce, 找到在整个英联邦已经到位的现有企业家支持系统.”

“弗吉尼亚生物连接”计划培育15家新的生命科学公司, 254 new jobs, and provide a greater than $25 million boost to the economy.

主要的企业活动将弗吉尼亚定位为生物技术的领导者, such as Phlow Corporation with its recent $354 million BARDA grant. ATCC, Vibrent Health, kaléo, Embody, ReAlta Life Sciences, Landos, MicroGEM, HemoShear Therapeutics, GPB科学公司只是英联邦生命科学公司中为数不多的几家最近也取得了重大成功.

About Virginia Biotechnology Association

Established in 1992, Virginia Bio’s mission is to promote innovation and growth through strengthened networks; advocacy; capital investment; talent attraction, development and retention; and advancing the next generation of leaders. For more information, please visit www.vabio.org.

About GO Virginia

GO Virginia是由弗吉尼亚州住房和社区发展部(DHCD)管理的一项州政府资助的倡议,旨在加强和多样化弗吉尼亚州的经济,并促进在战略行业创造更高工资的工作岗位. For more information, please visit www.govirginia.org.

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