As employees begin returning to their offices, 公司已经开始努力为员工建立惯例和期望. For the leadership at the global headquarters of Sev1Tech, located at 12700 Black Forest Lane in Woodbridge, 2019冠状病毒病(COVID-19)大流行是他们在现有的公司文化强调中培养灵活性的一个机会.

“在短短10年的时间里,从零到1.5亿美元,对保持我们最初的家族价值观构成了挑战,” says Sev1Tech’s Chief Information Officer Martin Wright. “但我们从来不想成为那种把员工当屁股看的公司. 你不会发现有多少公司拥有一个完全无障碍的管理团队,比它更透明. We are all about trying to break down those bureaucratic walls.”

Founded by CEO Bob Lohfeld over a decade ago, Sev1Tech is a leading provider in IT modernization, cybersecurity, cloud services, 公共和私营部门的C5ISR和空间操作. 拥有650多名员工,通过有机增长和 工程解决方案和产品(ESP)于2019年被收购, the company prioritizes their mission, vision and values, including: accountability, integrity, teamwork, and respect.

丽莎·安德森(Lisa Anderson)在COVID-19大流行爆发前两周开始担任首席人力资源官时,亲身体验了Sev1Tech对文化的承诺.

安德森说:“就我个人而言,它实时地向我展示了公司文化是什么样的. “We all went from being in the office, with a highly collaborative, 以员工为中心的文化一夜之间几乎把所有的东西都放到了网上. And we never missed a beat. I saw our leadership team come to life. 我们使用Microsoft Teams保持高接触沟通,并几乎立即建立了危机沟通中心.”

For nine weeks, Lohfeld, 赖特和Sev1Tech领导团队的其他成员每周举行一次市政厅会议, providing updates on COVID-19 related company impacts, policies, and practices moving forward.

Due to Sev1Tech’s government contracts, 该公司的许多员工被认为是必不可少的IT工作者,并被要求在现场从事项目工作. In addition to hosting weekly town halls, the company purchased and shipped over 14,000 masks to employees and their families, 在全国和国际上发送了近650个箱子.

“For our teams that were in a high-security environment, without access to outside data, they didn't know what was going on,” says Wright. “There was anxiety all around, especially at the beginning. 我们希望站在最前列,确保我们能够通过频繁的沟通来照顾我们的员工家庭."

A COVID Checkmate: The CheckSafe Mobile App

As summer of 2020 approached, Sev1Tech开始采取分阶段的方法,将更多员工带回伍德布里奇的总部大楼. Sev1Tech developed and launched the CheckSafe mobile application该公司为员工提供与COVID-19相关的健康和安全跟踪和警报. Before entering offices, 员工必须报告当天的工作地点,并说明他们是否出现了与COVID-19相关的症状.


“我们不希望员工在没有指导的情况下来办公室, get their temperature checked and then be sent home; we wanted some self-reporting to happen before they got here,” says Wright. “这款应用让我们意识到每个人的健康和安全, 我们能够跟踪哪些员工有症状,以确保主动参与.”

当工作人员回到办公室时,CheckSafe应用程序还帮助进行设施管理. The company made several improvements to the office, 包括对暖通空调进行商业升级和建立社交距离协议. 每位员工都可以使用装有消毒产品的清洁工具包,并收到CheckSafe应用程序通知,以便在每天中午和下班时清洁他们的工作站. 随着劳动力的缓慢回归,这些措施让每个人都感到安心.  

“We were probably 20 to 30 percent occupancy in July, and those employees helped establish the new normal for us,” says Wright. “我们的第二波入住率为50%,到2020年底,我们的入住率约为75%,而且我们从未在办公室内传播过COVID-19病例,我们的员工感到安全.”

这个文化的新支点出现在一个快速增长的时代, 到2021年春季,该公司的招聘人数将破纪录. 在疫情之前,Sev1Tech每周只允许一天的远程办公作为标准. Now, 公司的政策是两天在公司工作,三天不在公司工作,如果需要的话,全职远程办公除外.

“Flexibility is the name of the game,” says Anderson. “We are growing so fast; we are starting to run out of space at headquarters. 通过采用3/2的远程办公时间表,我们将在今年7月过渡到共享办公室. 我们将依靠CheckSafe应用程序进行健康检查,以确保员工仍然没有症状,并适当地自我报告.”

CheckSafe应用程序还允许员工自愿提交疫苗接种信息,并查找有关可用疫苗接种地点的信息. The app can be downloaded for $2.Wright强调,Sev1Tech很乐意让mg冰球突破豪华版试玩网站的企业参与进来,帮助改善现在和未来的员工安全.

“因为从业务角度来看,大流行并没有拖慢我们的步伐, it’s been onward and upward for Sev1Tech,” says Wright. “我们的增长很大程度上来自于我们的解决方案团队,以及为推向市场而进行的创新. 我们的希望是继续扩大并保持以员工为中心的价值观. They are at the heart of what we do.”


HQ at 12700 Black Forest Ln, Suite 306, Woodbridge, VA

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